Hi guys!

Hi everyone! This is just a temporary sticky post while I finish ironing out the kinks in the blog layout (of which there are MANY). See below for my proper first blog post about the Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum, but if I keep trying to get the blog perfect before I launch it’ll never happen, so this is here both to greet everyone (hi!) and to give me a place to put a few things that don’t have homes yet.

Firstly, here’s links to the blog’s Twitter and Instagram. They should both have a bit more day-to-day content than the blog, so please follow them if you’d like! There might be a YouTube or something at some point soon, so watch this space.

Also, in the name of self-promotion and also being able to afford to do things so I can then write about them, I’m going to drop a link to my Patreon and my Ko-Fi. Every little bit really helps, and I’d appreciate any support!

And of course, last but not least, please feel free to share my blog with anyone you know who might enjoy it! This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, and I’m so glad I’m finally, finally getting started.

Thanks for everything, and I hope you enjoy your time here.


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