Cup Noodles Museum
One of Osaka’s many claims to fame is that it was, in 1958, the birthplace of instant ramen. Invented by Momofuku Ando to help provide a steady supply of food to the Japanese population post-WWII, instant ramen — and then, in the 1970s, cup noodles — quickly became popular,...
Hi guys!
Hi everyone! This is just a temporary sticky post while I finish ironing out the kinks in the blog layout (of which there are MANY). See below for my proper first blog post about the Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum, but if I keep trying to get the blog perfect...
The Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum
Osamu Tezuka is a name known by anime and manga fans around the world. Known interchangeably as the “father of manga”, the “grandfather of manga” and the “god of manga”, his works are indisputably the beginning of modern anime and manga. His output was prodigious, and he’s known internationally...